We are always looking for new airports and activities to fly to and explore. We keep most of our flights to the 3 hour range from our home base in Auburn, WA (S50). For 2021 we have this wish list so far:
- 63S (Coville, WA)
- KMAN (Nampa, ID)
- KRLD (Richland, WA)
- 3U2 (Johnson Creek, ID)
- O9S (Sullivan Lake, WA)
- 3W7 (Electric City WA)
- MMh (Mammoth CA)
Our previous lists we are still working on too!
- KBVS (Skagit Co, WA) for the tulip festival
- 652 (Winthrop WA)
- Crater Lake (airport TBD)
- DEW (Deer Park, WA)
- KGEG (Spokane, WA)
- S12 ( Albany, OR)
- KALW (Walla Walla, WA)
Do you know of a fun destination that has a restaurant or activity within walking distance from the airport? An Airport with crew cars? or somewhere to fly in and Camp? Send us a comment and let us know about it!
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