

KPSP (Palm Springs, CA) May 2017 ::Leg 3 of 6::

Unfortunately when I think of Palm Springs my thoughts of palm trees and In-n-Out are over shadowed by the thought of large fees at the FBO’s at KPSP. We load up from KBIH and get our seat belts on for the rest of the bumpy flight to KPSP. It should

KBIH (Bishop, CA) May 2017 ::Leg 2 of 6 ::

After a quick sleep in Bend we are off to Palm Springs for the night. The flight direct is 3:30. The airplane is capable of the flight, but the passengers aren’t. So we plan a stop in Bishop, CA. Bishop is about a 2 hour fight which will get us

KCCR (Concord, CA) August 2016

The last stop on our big summer adventure was flying to Concord, CA to visit Grandma J. We took off from KBDN and it was about a 2.5 hour flight to KCCR. It was almost the middle of August, so it was HOT the first few minutes and right before

KSTS (Santa Rosa, CA) November 2015

Its mid November and we decide to squeeze in a weekend trip with friends to Santa Rosa. The reason for the trip isnt a super happy one, their fur baby Norby isn’t doing so well and could use a cheer up visit. This is one of the few trips that