Traveling in the plane leaves us short on space for extra bulky strollers. We tried to travel once with our bob, but we had to take out a bunch of seats and it wasn’t really needed on the trip. When The Little Dude was under 2, we would take our John Deere Umbrella Stroller on flights. It was only 10 pounds and fit in the back just fine. Once The Little Dude was a good walker, we would let him walk on our trips and use the carrier if it was a long distance or put him on dads shoulders.

We have 2 versions of soft structured carriers. a Boba Gemini and a Toddler Tula. The Little Dude is right at the cross over from the Gemini to the Tula when we start traveling by small plane. The Tula is great for flying and something we always take with us. It is very light and has a larger support base for toddlers up to age 4. We like to take it with us in a backpack if we are going to be out for long periods of time. If Little Dude is tired, he will even fall asleep in it.

We did try to SaddlePack too, but we sent it back because it was uncomfortable.

When Little Dude was under 3, we would travel with the Hiking Pack if we had any intentions of hiking on a trip. The Osprey was great because we could carry him and a few things in one carrier. It is really Bulky though, but it does have a stand if you want to take it off for a bit and leave them in. The Tula does not have this option.