Its finally time to begin our grand summer flying adventure. Okay, it is only 10 days, but that is pretty grand for 2 pilots. The itinerary is to go S50- KBDN-KHIO-KBDN-KGPI-KMYL-KBDN-KCCR-S50!

Why so many stops in Bend? Well that is because that is where Gramie, Grandpa and Kami live. The best grandparents ever have agreed to watch The Little Dude while Mama and Papa Pilot get to do some adventures of their own.

The first leg goes a little different than expected. We are getting packed at the house when we learn Kami has encountered some delays coming back from the east coast. Now she will be sitting in the KSEA airport for 3 hours waiting for her connection to KRDM. Well, we are going that way! So after a bit of coordination, we depart from S50 to KBFI, it is only a 15 minute flight. Kami is able to cab over from KSEA to Clay Lacy Aviation. The FBO is super great about letting us park and go without receiving any services. We load up Kami and depart to KBDN. The flight is great for The Little Dude since now Kami is in the back to keep him company. We boogie down to Bend in the classic 1:20 minutes and land at KBDN this time and park at Professional Air. Grandpa meets us and picks us all up. We head to Grandpas House for the night and rest for the next days adventure.