
May 2017

KMYL (McCall, ID) May 2017 ::Leg 6 of 6::

McCall was the last stop on our trip back home. We just needed to get out and stretch our legs and have lunch. Since we’ve been here before we knew that there were a couple dining options close to the airport that didn’t require us to use a car. We

KSEZ (Sedona, AZ) May 2017 ::Leg 4 of 6 ::

It is Saturday morning and we are all rested and ready to take Grandpa to Sedona and continue on to Park City, UT. A quick google search for donuts shows Swiss Donut close to the hotel and on the way to the airport. We want to get going as early

KPSP (Palm Springs, CA) May 2017 ::Leg 3 of 6::

Unfortunately when I think of Palm Springs my thoughts of palm trees and In-n-Out are over shadowed by the thought of large fees at the FBO’s at KPSP. We load up from KBIH and get our seat belts on for the rest of the bumpy flight to KPSP. It should

KBIH (Bishop, CA) May 2017 ::Leg 2 of 6 ::

After a quick sleep in Bend we are off to Palm Springs for the night. The flight direct is 3:30. The airplane is capable of the flight, but the passengers aren’t. So we plan a stop in Bishop, CA. Bishop is about a 2 hour fight which will get us

KBDN (Bend, OR) May 2017 ::Leg 1 of 6::

Its the beginning of Memorial Day weekend and we leave after work Thursday for the short flight to KBDN. We have a big trip planned; kinda. We aren’t sure what we are doing after Sedona yet, but we have some ideas. So far the plan is KBDN-KPSP-KSEZ, to be in

KRDM (Bend, OR) May 2017

Its almost summer and we are starting to put the time machine to good use! The Little Dude has tee ball on Saturday mornings until July so were down to just over nights for the next few weeks, minus Memorial Day weekend coming up! We love the weather in the

KUAO (Aurora State, OR) April 2017

We are about 2 months away from the arrival of our baby girl which means it’s  time for take one last family photo shoot of our family of 3 and time maternity photos before she arrives. Tulip season runs the month of April in the Pacific Northwest and we have