Its coming up on Fathers Day weekend and we decide to fly to Sun Valley for the weekend. Sun valley is a great place to visit in the summer or winter, although flying the little airplane there in the winter is not practical. Grandpa and Kami fly over and meet us there too!

We rent a 2 bedroom condo near the lodge and enjoy a weekend of sunshine. It’s just before The Little Dudes 2nd Birthday and we surprise him a bring his present, the soon it be famous Strider bike! We didn’t know it at the time, but this compact bike would be traveling with us to all the airports we visited for the next 3 years.

The Saw Tooth mountain range is near by and in the afternoon  take the little dude on a drive nap and venture to Stanley, Idaho to explore and enjoy the picturesque views from the drive.

Its a little over 2 hours home. We take off meet up with Grandpa for some formation flying, then head back to S50.